I'm all for giving credit where credit's due, so I'll be the first to say that the idea for this week's blog came from Marie Claire's September issue. Christiane Amanpour I am not, but regardless - there's something intriguing (to me anyway) about the contents of a woman's bag. Purse-onality perhaps? In Handbags, Anna Johnson writes "marked with life, stuffed to the gills, saved for, bruised, and cherished like a child, a good bag becomes an intimate extension of the body."
I made this bag for our trip to Scotland in 2007 with comfort and a spirit of adventure in mind. It served the purpose well, and I recently dug it out as a reminder. When I carry it, it truly does become an "extension" as it fits perfectly and comfortably.

Where would I be without my Marble memo? I use it to job down jewelry ideas as they come, words I like, picture arrangements, web addresses and anything else I want to remember. While we're on the subject of writing, these are my two favorite pens, ever. One is from our W Hotel room (you're supposed to take those along with the little shampoos, right?) and the other is Le Pen and I paid a lot more for it than what you can get them for here! Alright, on to my glasses...an appendage I recently had to succomb to, but only to see far away. My husband especially likes them for some reason. And at least now I have something to put in my mesh glasses case that I couldn't pass up at TJ Maxx a few years ago. Which leads me to another TJ Maxx find, my Tignanello wallet. I love the blush color, and I keep it clean and lovely with Franklin Covey leather conditioner. TJ Maxx is right down the way from Cosmetics Market, where the gal told me this Therapy Systems gloss is very complementary on me. Hhmmm...I don't know, the verdict is still out on this one. It may or may not be staying in my "extension".
I'll leave you with this piece by David Roby:
I Have a Handle on the Situation
I have a handle on the situation.
I have a handle on my space and contents.
My vacant hollow.
Or the items of which I house a dozen odds and ends.
I always know what I possess or what may be un-there or missing.
To study my physiognomy, one might think not much or lacking.
But closer on inspection, I am near divine and worthy of great travels.
A true companion of love and comfort, recognition, the familiar.
I have been held in such a clutch and such a love storm
by my mistress and her values.
She takes me aboard a thousand footsteps, always holding on and never once ignoring.
Mostly I am there to steady, to balance her or witness.
She sometimes shuffles through my soul in search of needy things,
like painted sticks and looking glasses of which I keep most dear.
She searches inward and there she looks inside my sacred space.
Full of painted stick and looking glasses,
I am my lady's handbag.
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